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Author Topic: Please help to contact chinese customs reference CY284727422DE
Posts: 1
Post Please help to contact chinese customs reference CY284727422DE
on: August 8, 2024, 17:22
New Topic

I sent my parcel several weeks ago. It is now at the custom in Beijing or CNYIWA.
I heard they need further information like an invoice. How can I contact customs to proceed the delivery of the return of goods to the vendor?
Do you have telephonenumber, mail-adress, fax-number or any idea what I can do
Thank you

Posts: 46421
Post Re: Please help to contact chinese customs reference CY284727422DE
on: August 8, 2024, 18:28
New Topic

Your parcel is in China Post Yiwu office waiting for customs clearance for 4 weeks now.

The reasons of the problem are:
1)Shipper forgot to write the receiver's mobile phone number in the parcel. This will make delivery and customs clearance extremely difficult. China Post needs to send a customs clearance code to allow receiver declare and pay duty online. Also China Post can not deliver goods without mobile phone number.

If this is your case, you can ask receiver call 0579-89901707 to contact China Post for help.

2)Receiver have received the text message from China Post but he doesn't make customs declaration. Many bad seller do this because the can avoid the responsibility to refund money after accepting the return.

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