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Author Topic: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
Posts: 6
Post RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 24, 2020, 18:55
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RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe?
Week 4 is in transit, I would like to know when it will be shipped to Europe? I paid 4 Euros for the postage and the product does not come.

Posts: 46419
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 24, 2020, 20:37
New Topic shows the parcel was sent to airline on Oct 23.

This kind R**CN is an economical airmail which has very low priority to catch flight space. now airline space to Europe has bad shortage. You have long time to wait.

Posts: 6
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 28, 2020, 19:08
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Quote from chinapostvolunteer on November 24, 2020, 20:37 shows the parcel was sent to airline on Oct 23.

This kind R**CN is an economical airmail which has very low priority to catch flight space. now airline space to Europe has bad shortage. You have long time to wait.

Can't such a large Postal Service Provider send a package in normal quality? It’s weird when I get the packages from the companies next door every day right now. Not in Shanghai, but on the road, Speedpak, YANWEN, Sweden post can work? What makes the China Post weak?

Posts: 58
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 28, 2020, 19:39
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When you choose economical shipping methods it is very lucky if a package gets to you soon, because if other people pay for Priority shipping options then their package gets airline space first because they paid for it. If you need something right away it is better to pay for Express or Priority instead of the economical options especially with the pandemic going on and reduced flights all over the world.

Posts: 6
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 29, 2020, 07:13
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1 month waiting is a lot of time on the part of a service provider, a lot of time. Unfortunately, I could not choose a service provider, they solve the problem and handle it correctly. They undertake what was entrusted to them. Slightly different, but it works there which is not here :(

Posts: 6
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 29, 2020, 07:33
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From me, the CHINESE company cheated $ 5 postage for shipping and insurance.
Room F3-325, Tower A, Win Center,Building 6,Yard 33,Baiziwan Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100020, People’s Republic of China.

Posts: 58
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 29, 2020, 11:43
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Sorry but how were you cheated for postage if they shipped the item? I have paid over $50 for shipping and sometimes it takes a few months to get to me, the shipping cost is based on weight and some express companies rates start at 22$ for a package less than 500g and increases from there. If you are upset with the options your seller chose to ship with you should take it up with them.

Posts: 6
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 29, 2020, 12:27
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Quote from InTheCloudz710 on November 29, 2020, 11:43
Sorry but how were you cheated for postage if they shipped the item? I have paid over $50 for shipping and sometimes it takes a few months to get to me, the shipping cost is based on weight and some express companies rates start at 22$ for a package less than 500g and increases from there. If you are upset with the options your seller chose to ship with you should take it up with them.

I bought 1 3D t-shirt, it can weigh 300g, but I would rather return the product to the seller if the China post can't deliver it to me.

Posts: 58
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: November 29, 2020, 18:37
New Topic

The package will most likely be delivered but it will take time because of the shipping option you or your seller chose to use. If you would like to refuse the delivery when it shows up that is your right. All I mean to say is that you should take it up with the seller for choosing the slow shipping option because China post has multiple options for faster shipping but the seller did not choose one of them. China post should be able to deliver your package but it will take time and as far as I know there is no way to change that now.

Posts: 6
Post Re: RV507638975CN When will the package go to Europe
on: December 7, 2020, 12:39
New Topic

Well, it's really a shame! My package has not started from China for a month and a half by you, My other package, (Emirates Post) has at least arrived by "free" post. However, I did not pay $ 5 USD

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