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Author Topic: Two parcels not really delivered
Posts: 5
Post Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 03:22
New Topic

Hi there,
could you please help me search for
The parcels are marked as delivered to my city in Germany, but I cannot believe. Never got this.

Many Thanks

Posts: 5
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 03:39
New Topic

And how can I find it, if it is really somewhere in my near place?

Posts: 46123
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 04:42
New Topic

both parcels were delivered in Essen,Essen 45145. Are you in Essen,Essen 45145 , Germany?

Posts: 5
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 08:31
New Topic

Essen is my city, but I had no bell ring and no parcel.
Where can them be now?
What company delivered this parcels?

Posts: 46123
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 16:20
New Topic

Based on our experience and similar fraud cases reported by other users, you must be scammed.

The seller shipped some junk to another address in your area. He then uses the "delivery" status to claim payment from your bank.

Please contact your bank and file dispute against fraud before it is too late.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 19:32
New Topic

Thank you for sharing experiences. This is exactly the case I was expecting, had heard about it some time ago (Youtube) - someone is exploiting the system and sending garbage to random addresses in my neighborhood. A cheap toy, a tin of cookies. And the recipient thinks they've been given a present or something similar.

I'm going to report it to the police tomorrow so that the correct recipient address becomes clear and Paypal moves.

Is there any experience of China Post simply giving out the recipient's address when the police investigate?
I only have experience with DHL tracking numbers.

Currently only the automatic evaluation of Paypal has been.
After a complaint, they get the official transaction number and have to re-evaluate it manually.

By the way, the store's advertising was "Pay securely with PayPal"

Translated with (free version)

Posts: 46123
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 9, 2024, 21:52
New Topic

Unfortunately China Post does not shipping address of such A***CN parcel.

You can open dispute to paypal if you paid with paypal.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Two parcels not really delivered
on: September 10, 2024, 10:45
New Topic

Paypal decided "by batch" (automatic) first. I made a compliant and they gave me money back now after manual research of tracking codes.
So this time no police and china post investigations.

Pages: [1]