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Author Topic: Status of order says delivered when its not.
Posts: 1
Post Status of order says delivered when its not.
on: May 7, 2024, 16:16
New Topic

Back in April I ordered an item and recently, I got a text that it arrived but upon going to the post office I found out it wasn't delivered at all. What should I do and who do I have to contact to get this resolved?
Package tracking ID is AM342209645CN.

Posts: 46421
Post Re: Status of order says delivered when its not.
on: May 7, 2024, 17:10
New Topic

We believe that your are scammed. Actually many other users have reported similar cases related to such A****CN parcel.

We believe the seller shipped some junk to another address in your area, then he can use "delivery" status to claim payment from your credit card bank.

Please call your credit card bank and report fraud.

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