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Author Topic: Is something wrong with China Post?
Posts: 4
Post Is something wrong with China Post?
on: November 27, 2014, 13:20
New Topic

I'm waiting for several packages form China and all of them seems to be for about 20 days without any status update.
1) RG079441470CN: At the 6th of November the status was "sent to airline" At 7th of November the status changed and till now is "Export Security Scan". It has no battery inside.
2) RK100839398CN: At the 9th of November the status was "sent to airline" At 17th of November the status changed and till now is "Export Security Scan". It has no battery inside.
3) RO401016095CN: At the 6th of November the status was "sent to airline". From that date there is no update
4) RO402615674CN: At the 10th of November the status was "sent to airline". From that date there is no update
5) RG079441421CN: At the 6th of November the status was "sent to airline". From that date there is no update.

What is wrong with them? There is no battery inside them and the answer couldn't be "be patient, the packages are on their way"

Posts: 46123
Post Re: Is something wrong with China Post?
on: November 27, 2014, 21:40
New Topic

Now is rush season. status no changing within 4 weeks are quite normal.

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