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Author Topic: Help tracking (not updated after customs import)
Posts: 1
Post Help tracking (not updated after customs import)
on: July 26, 2024, 06:44
New Topic


I sent a return package for Amazon, but my parcel CY587434050DE has not been updated since "Item returned from Customs (import)" on 7.7.24.
What should I do?


Posts: 46421
Post Re: Help tracking (not updated after customs import)
on: July 26, 2024, 18:09
New Topic

CY587434050DE arrived Shenzhen customs on July 7, but it is still waiting receiver to make customs clearance.

There are many possible reasons to make the customs clearance problem:

1)Shipper didn't print receiver's mobile phone number in the parcel. This will prevent the recipient from receiving the customs declaration SMS from China Post. In such cases, receiver needs to go to China Post office and make customs clearance in person.

2)Receiver has received customs declaration SMS from China Post , but he/she doesn't want to make customs clearance. Some bad sellers often play such game to avoid accept return and issue refund. In such cases, you need to report the situation to the marketplace(in your case, Amazon) and claim refund.

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