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Author Topic: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
Posts: 4
Post Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 14, 2017, 13:02
New Topic

Hi there,

My parcel from China, RS378474228CN, has been shipped to Singapore but seems to be stuck in Guangzhou customs for quite a while now. Do you know if it's held up in customs or is it outside China on a way to Singapore?

Actually, the things inside is for a competition that's coming up this Saturday and Sunday, and even though it's not necessary to have it, I would love to have it before that.


Posts: 46421
Post Re: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 14, 2017, 19:47
New Topic

your parcel is ok. shipping time to Singapore might take 2 to 5 weeks depending on the situation of warehouse sorting processing. I don't think you have much chance to get it before Saturday.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 14, 2017, 22:24
New Topic

Huh? But according to your estimated time page, it says average 9 days and maximum 14. Why 5 weeks? I was thinking getting the parcel before Saturday was possible, as if it arrives 9-10 days after the shipment, its gonna have a plenty of time for delivery within Singapore.

Plus, do you know if my package has left China yet?

Posts: 46421
Post Re: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 15, 2017, 00:31
New Topic

that is for regular season, not for Xmas and Chinese New Year holiday season which is much slower than that.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 15, 2017, 03:29
New Topic

So it is still Chinese New Year holiday season? I thought it was over! We stopped celebrating it quite a while ago.

So does that mean you don't know if my package is outside China yet?

Posts: 46421
Post Re: Parcel to Singapore still in customs?
on: February 15, 2017, 03:52
New Topic

Chinese New Year holiday has passed, but The are so many parcels shipped before that time are still lining up for processing. It needs time to complete the job.

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