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Author Topic: Parcel reached Mumbai but being sent back to Kollata.
Posts: 3
Post Parcel reached Mumbai but being sent back to Kollata.
on: March 23, 2017, 00:52
New Topic

I made an order on Ali almost a month back. The track was going smooth and was traceable until it reached Mumbai Foreign Post, now it's being sent back to Kollata. Here is the tracking id - RL700631289CN PLEASE HELP!

My parcel number 2 - RS448576671CN is stuck at the FPO! What should I do in that case. Kindly help.

Posts: 46352
Post Re: Parcel reached Mumbai but being sent back to Kollata.
on: March 23, 2017, 02:39
New Topic

both parcels are in the hands of India Post. you should contact India Post for delivery detail.

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