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Author Topic: TN not moving at all more than 2 months
Posts: 39
Post TN not moving at all more than 2 months
on: March 2, 2017, 22:09
New Topic

I have a TN no showing any progress and in fact it seems still in China.
Can you please tell me if I'm waiting in vain. Seller just told me to keep waiting and give me extra time, but it will end in 2 weeks.

2016-12-22 17:23 Nanjing city, China Post Corporation postal letter, letter
2016-12-22 17:08 Postal letter, Nanjing, China Post group has been accepted
2016-12-20 09:47 Electronic information has been received

Posts: 46221
Post Re: TN not moving at all more than 2 months
on: March 3, 2017, 03:28
New Topic

if your buyer protection is expiring, ask seller extend the protection otherwise open dispute for refund. the parcel should be delayed.

Posts: 39
Post Re: TN not moving at all more than 2 months
on: March 3, 2017, 16:58
New Topic

What do you mean with: 'The parcel should be delayed'?
You don't know?
What does it mean the last message?
Nanjing city, China Post Corporation postal letter, letter

I know I can ask refund to the seller, but I want to know what are chinapost doing with my parcel. Seller may lose because chinapost don't deliver.

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