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Author Topic: CL102529629NL
Posts: 12
Post CL102529629NL
on: July 25, 2024, 14:22
New Topic

Can you inform me about this parcel, is cancelled by customs, will it be send back to The Netherlands? I see now in Chongqing

Please can you inform me about parcel CY900336287DE to Jiangyin, there is no move in transit for seven days

Posts: 46370
Post Re: CL102529629NL
on: July 25, 2024, 19:17
New Topic

CL102529629NL arrived in Chongqing customs on July 22. If you have written the receiver's mobile phone number, receiver should have received a text message from China Post to make online customs clearance. If you didn't write receiver's mobile number, then receiver will have trouble to get the goods.

Remember, in China, receiver's mobile phone number is much more important that address for proper delivery.

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