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Author Topic: Parcel "Waiting for airline space"
Posts: 2
Post Parcel "Waiting for airline space"
on: July 17, 2020, 05:55
New Topic

Hi There! My parcel sent via registered airmail has been stalled in Shanghai for the last few days with a status of "Waiting for airline space". (item tracking # is LH800155389CN).

I'm interested to know how long the current wait time is for airline space out of Shanghai? I know things are exceptional at the moment so I understand it may take extra time! :)

My parcel isn't overdue, but I'm trying to schedule coming work and I need the parcel before i can start - I'm trying to get an idea of when it might come. Even a rough ETA would be helpful!

Thanks heaps for your help!!! 😀



Posts: 46419
Post Re: Parcel "Waiting for airline space"
on: July 17, 2020, 07:23
New Topic shows on average it takes about 43 days to arrive Australia, but some package did take 83 days to arrive. Some package is slower some is faster which you can not control. It is hard to predict when a specific package will arrive.

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