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Author Topic: Parcel CH115800190AU
Posts: 2
Post Parcel CH115800190AU
on: January 1, 2021, 04:22
New Topic

Ordered some for my partner living in Nanjing. Unfortunately, the frustrating part is that the parcel has had 'Attempted Delivery' four times now and the courier have not given a single call to my partners number prior to their attempted delivery. I can't get in touch with China post at the moment. Any tips would be much appreciated right not.

Kind regards,

Posts: 46370
Post Re: Parcel CH115800190AU
on: January 1, 2021, 05:23
New Topic shows CH115800190AU is in China Post Nanjing 珠江镇营业部, delivery was failed because receiver is not available. Please ask receiver call postman 郭振旺,phone 17351022597 and arrange re-delivery or pickup asap.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Parcel CH115800190AU
on: January 2, 2021, 00:42
New Topic

Thank you! I tried calling the number you have given but it can't go through. The problem is that, why aren't they calling the mobile number I have given them? This is the first time that has happened to me. I will give the number a call again sometime today and I hope they pick up.

Kind regards,

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