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Author Topic: Estatus pedido # RV261486290CN / requested status # RV261486290CN
Posts: 1
Post Estatus pedido # RV261486290CN / requested status # RV261486290CN
on: December 16, 2019, 01:32
New Topic

Por favor de informar el estatus del pedido # RV261486290CN el cual desde el 03 de diciembre hasta el ultimo estatus de fecha 13 de diciembre se mantiene estático.


Please inform the order status # RV261486290CN which from December 3 until the last status dated December 13 remains static.

Posts: 46420
Post Re: Estatus pedido # RV261486290CN / requested status # RV261486290CN
on: December 16, 2019, 05:12
New Topic shows the parcel was sent to airline on Dec 13. It is on the way to Dominica.

China Post will lost control of the parcel after sent to airline. so there will be no update anymore after sent to airline date.

Sent to airline does not mean you will get the parcel very soon. Now is rush season, airline space is very limited. Your parcel will keep waiting another 4 to 8 weeks in airline warehouse for shipping space. You need some patient.

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