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Author Topic: admin please read 3 month and not arrive my package
Posts: 14
Post admin please read 3 month and not arrive my package
on: July 3, 2020, 17:24
New Topic

I don't know what happens other packages sent after "they arrived" (chinapost) and this package has not arrived yet.

any ideas what happens?
It is extremely strange.

Posts: 46420
Post Re: admin please read 3 month and not arrive my package
on: July 4, 2020, 04:20
New Topic only shows the status that the package was receive and handed over to airlines on Mar. 28. No updates since then. We do not have much statistics for packages to Chile, but it is normal for a package to stay in China waiting for a plane out for several weeks to 3 month. Your package was received more than 3 month with no update, it might still arriving, but it has higher possibility been lost. You might consider open dispute for a refund, or ask for an extension for buyer protection period for another 30 days to see if it arrives

Posts: 14
Post Re: admin please read 3 month and not arrive my package
on: July 6, 2020, 18:23
New Topic

Quote from chinapostvolunteer on July 4, 2020, 04:20 only shows the status that the package was receive and handed over to airlines on Mar. 28. No updates since then. We do not have much statistics for packages to Chile, but it is normal for a package to stay in China waiting for a plane out for several weeks to 3 month. Your package was received more than 3 month with no update, it might still arriving, but it has higher possibility been lost. You might consider open dispute for a refund, or ask for an extension for buyer protection period for another 30 days to see if it arrives

Thank you, if you were so kind, is there an email where I can contact chinapost to ask them more details about my package? to know where it really is.
Thank you

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