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Author Topic: Please help locate these parcels.
Alex v
Posts: 34
Post Please help locate these parcels.
on: February 5, 2020, 15:39
New Topic

Hello there.
Please let me know what is the status of these two parcels. Its been 4 weeks already. Seller did send it... and its stuck somewhere on your end. Few parcels shipped from same seller, same location and same airport 2 weeks ago, already cleared canada border. These two, who knows what is going on and where about.

It seems like you have different updates than everywhere else i look. Please let me know exactly what you have on your end. Customs? Returned? Waiting to be shipped?
Thank you.


Posts: 46105
Post Re: Please help locate these parcels.
on: February 5, 2020, 17:21
New Topic shows both parcels were shipped from Guangzhou to Canada on Jan 7. Due to Chinese New Year holiday and coronavirus outbreak, many parcels are delayed.

You might need wait 2 to 3 more weeks. Once parcel arrives Canada, Canada Post website will update its local location.

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