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Author Topic: Orders from China ți Romania
Posts: 4
Post Orders from China ți Romania
on: March 14, 2017, 11:32
New Topic

Hi i ve made two orders from China begging of Febroary.and they seem to be stuck somewhere because even now they didn t left from China.Can u Tell me more info abaut my orders please help me.Thanks in advanse.My order Nr. Are:

Posts: 45950
Post Re: Orders from China ți Romania
on: March 14, 2017, 19:07
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shipping to Bulgaria is very very slow as it will transit through many countries. shows both parcels left China in Feb. However, leaving China is just the first small stage to Bulgaria and unfortunately you can not know new status and location when parcel is outside china.

I can only give you an estimated idea about arriving time to your country. based on our statistic, shipping time from china to Bulgaria normally take about 40 days, maximum might take 90 days. so you should get it around Apirl or May.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Orders from China ți Romania
on: March 15, 2017, 11:13
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First is not Bulgaria.... IS ROMÂNIA!!!
So is not the same .....For u know Bulgaria is not România..
I expect another answer!!!

Posts: 2
Post Re: Orders from China ți Romania
on: March 15, 2017, 19:25
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Buna Dragos!

Eu sunt Cosmin. Am aceeasi problema ca si tine. Imi poti spune ce se intampla?
Eu cred ca am fost fraieriti.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Orders from China ți Romania
on: March 16, 2017, 08:43
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Nu cred doar că durează mai mult că de obicei...Și nu știu de ce Oricum comenzile sunt de pe Aliexpress și dacă nu vin in 2luni de la data comenzii deschizi disputa și îți recuperezi banii.mai greu dar ții recuperezi in cele din urmă

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