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Author Topic: Status package
Posts: 3
Post Status package
on: September 11, 2024, 21:51
New Topic


2 weeks ago, I ordered something from china, but i didn’t receive anything yet. I also don’t see anything, when I try to search for it with my trackingnumber. My tracking number is: CL574530769DE. Can you guys update me with the status of my package?

Posts: 46096
Post Re: Status package
on: September 12, 2024, 00:55
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CL574530769DE is not China Post tracking number, it is from German Post(DHL). are you in China or in Germany?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Status package
on: September 12, 2024, 02:53
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Actually I live in the netherlands. So i think it will go from germany to the netherlands?

Posts: 46096
Post Re: Status package
on: September 12, 2024, 03:05
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Your seller uses Germany Post to send the parcel to you. Normally this means the parcel might have battery item which is not allowed by China Post. Some China seller ship the goods by air cargo to Germany warehouse first, then re-ship the parcel from Germany to destination.

I checked Germany Post website for you. It does not have actual shipping information of CL574530769DE. So it also might be a scam especially when you placed order in some no-reputation websites. You need to follow up this tracking number in next one or two weeks. If no update, you need to report fraud.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Status package
on: September 12, 2024, 05:58
New Topic

Ohh thank you. I actually ordered a bag, so that’s strange, but thanks for the info.

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