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Author Topic: EA429143721CN How long ?
Posts: 2
Post EA429143721CN How long ?
on: December 4, 2020, 20:02
New Topic

Hi , i’m waiting for my package that is stuck since the 1 december, the problem is that who post it said me that it would take 5/7 days to destination , But it happens the same thing a month ago , i waited 1 month and it was stuck in china , so i told go make another shipment cause maybe there was a problem with it . But ad i see here in the forum too many persons says that they are waiting from 2 or more months. Just to know , how long i have to wait cause if it is too long i’ll delete it . Thanks

Posts: 45998
Post Re: EA429143721CN How long ?
on: December 4, 2020, 20:32
New Topic

shipping time to Italy needs at least 2 weeks. Your seller's 5-7 days promise is obviously misleading information.

Right now is Xmas rush season, your parcel has only 50% chance to arrive Italy BEFORE Xmas time.

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