1. This is the tracking of your parcel:
Number: LT443812682CN
Package Status: In Transit
Destination Country: United States
2016-11-23 01:48 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment, We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.
2016-11-23 01:48 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility
2016-11-21 18:43 CHINA, Acceptance
Origin Country: China
2016-11-22 14:49 Guangzhou, left Guangzhou to Chicago (go)
2016-11-21 18:43 Foshan City, postal courier logistics company's international branch, Foshan City chancheng District Sales Office has been received (the embrace cast member name: Liu Feng, Tel: 18928658894)
Powered by http://www.track-chinapost.com
2. The above tracking is the most up to date tracking for your parcel. Your parcel might have been delayed for those reasons:
When your parcel was sent it was not normal condition. Because:
Holiday Season
China Post has too many parcels to send overseas
Not enough room on the Aircraft for parcels
Smog in China delaying Aircraft or cancelling them
Rescheduling of mail bags
Chicago overwhelming of parcel incoming from Overseas.
3. Until USPS scan the parcel on arrival or when they have time to do it. There will be no more tracking to your parcel.