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Author Topic: Can you see where my parcel is?
Posts: 16
Post Can you see where my parcel is?
on: June 6, 2024, 02:45
New Topic

Hi, we are waiting for UU591550281CN. According to the tracking, it arrived at destination country on May 14, but Australia Posts says it is not here yet and is not even awaiting Customs. Not here at all.
I know that UU parcels can take some time to arrive, but there seems to be conflicting information at the moment. Can you see more?

Posts: 46419
Post Re: Can you see where my parcel is?
on: June 6, 2024, 02:49
New Topic

such UU***CN is the cheapest low priority parcel which has very limited tracking data. You can't track its status in Australia even if it has arrived or delivered in Australia.

Normally such parcel will take about 4 to 8 weeks to reach Australia. If you can't get the goods by July 14, you need to open dispute to seller for refund.

Posts: 16
Post Re: Can you see where my parcel is?
on: June 6, 2024, 02:53
New Topic

Thanks. Yes, I know it's the cheapest option, but it was the only one offered. The last day according to eBay is the 23rd of this month, so I will contact the seller a week before that if it hasn't arrived and see what they have to say...

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