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Author Topic: Re: Where is my package?
Posts: 6
Post Re: Where is my package?
on: November 29, 2018, 05:28
New Topic

Good day. My order updates shows "on route" and mentions that it was sent to airline since the 25th of november. Can you tell where it is right now? Tracking number RM290862130CN. Thank you.

Posts: 45998
Post Re: Re: Where is my package?
on: November 29, 2018, 05:32
New Topic shows the number was sent to airline on Nov 28.
China Post will lost control of the parcel after sent to airline. so there will be no update anymore after sent to airline date.

Sent to airline does not mean you will get the parcel very soon. It will keep travel about another 4 to 12 weeks to reach Mozambique.

You need wait some more days.

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