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Author Topic: Has the packages left?
Posts: 6
Post Has the packages left?
on: February 6, 2020, 02:56
New Topic

These two packages were sent since December 31, 2019

Can you tell me if it is still in China or have they left? I have received other packages that left two weeks later from different places. The two are over one month and no update. Thanks

Posts: 46105
Post Re: Has the packages left?
on: February 6, 2020, 04:21
New Topic shows both parcels were shipped from Wuhan on Jan 7.

In the past 3 weeks, China was in Chinese New Year holiday and you shipping city Wuhan is the breakout center of coronavirus. You parcel should be still in Wuhan.

To prevent virus spread, China government requires all companies to keep closing until Feb 10. Wuhan highway, train transportation and airports are all closed. We believe the goods in Wuhan will keep delay another 2 to 3 weeks if not more.

Right now you can not do anything but waiting. Once parcel arrives USA, will show arrival information.

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