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Author Topic: parcel status
Posts: 3
Post parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 09:46
New Topic

Hi, I've ordered a few products from aliexpress on the 19th of April. The parcel statusses of RS586508649CN and RS586763641CN are however very unclear.

The status of RS586508649CN keeps on changing. The status on the Aliexpress website is: tracking information is temporarily unavailable.'s most recent status is that the parcel is packed for picking-up, But yesterday Cainiao said the parcel had left the originating country. Does this mean it has been send back to the sender 😕 And then the website of China Post itself says: Departure export customs. But that status hasn't changed since the 22th of April.

The status of RS586763641CN is stuck on export costums clearance complete since the 23th of April.

My question is: if both parcels already left the country or not? If not, where are they?

Posts: 45951
Post Re: parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 10:46
New Topic

Both parcels should have left china now. After leaving china, parcel will keep travelling another 2 to 4 weeks before arriving your country. you need some patient.

Posts: 3
Post Re: parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 11:24
New Topic

I know that it takes a couple of weeks for a package to arrive in the Netherlands. It's not that I already expected it to be delivered. I'm just wondering if something went wrong, especially with the first ordernumber I mentioned (RS586508649CN). The tracking of that parcel is unavailable most of the time, and when it is, the updates keep getting removed/changed. Yesterday the tracking said the parcel had left the country, but today the update from the same tracking website is: Parcel is packed for pickup. That would mean the parcel has returned to the sender?. Are u sure both packages have left China? Because the most recent tracking updates from both parcels say they have not. I know that it may take a couple of weeks before the parcels are being deliverd, but I want to know if nothing went wrong with the shipping.

Posts: 45951
Post Re: parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 15:12
New Topic

nothing is wrong, you just need some patient. parcel RS586508649CN was shipped on April 23 and has left china. you can not know exact location status when it is outside china. wait about 2 to 5 weeks, it will arrive Netherlands.

Posts: 3
Post Re: parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 15:50
New Topic

Ok, thank you! One more question: has RU716045281CN already left China?

Posts: 45951
Post Re: parcel status
on: May 2, 2017, 16:02
New Topic

yes. it left china on april 28. but you still need wait 2 to 5 weeks to get it in Europe.

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