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Author Topic: Parcel
Ben Lick
Posts: 1
Post Parcel
on: March 18, 2025, 20:49
New Topic

Hello China Post,
my parcel is in a customs clearance process since March 4th, 2025. Why does it take so long? I want to send it to Chinese producers for repair. It is a remote controlled Helicopter. Is the address of the producers, which I wrote on the package, too unspecific? Here is the address of the producers.

Office, 3rd Floor, Building B, Jinxiang Industrial Park, Hengkeng Hexi Village, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518110, Besend

Should I also write my address in here?
Should I also send a picture of my parcel?
My tracking number of the parcel is CR 9032 6740 0DE

Please answer all of my questions.

Posts: 46471
Post Re: Parcel
on: March 19, 2025, 02:52
New Topic

your receiver did not make customs clearance. did you write his mobile phone numbet inthe parcel? if yes, he should have received a text code from china post to make customs clearance.

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