Does USPS Track China Post?
But USPS can not track China Post Ordinary Small Packet and China Post Direct Xpress Mail Parcel.
Read More about China Post tracking ability in USPS
How long does it take to receive a package from China Post?
China Post Estimate Arrival Time Report
Can I track exactly where my package is?
You can also post your question in the forum. Questions normally will be answered in 24 hrs
I shipped a parcel from USA to China, how can I know the delivery status?
USPS has many international service such as USPS first class mail, Register mail and Express Mail(priority mail) etc. Only USPS register mail and Express Mail can be tracked with delivery status. USPS first class Mail can NOT be tracked in China, you can not even know if it has arrived China or not. How can Read More …
What can I do if tracking shows “Rejected by Safety Check Point” or “Safety Check Rejected” ?
People sometimes will see tracking result shows “Safety Check Rejected” or “customs rejected” or “rejected”. This is usually caused by following two reasons: the forbidden item in the parcel such has cell phone,ipad,speaker etc(Check China Post forbidden item list here). If your parcel has item in the forbidden list, you can not get the goods Read More …
How does the international mail system work? How is mail routed from one country to another?
I’m mostly going to refer to the USPS below, because they put a great deal of their operating information online. However, you can be sure that even if the specifics differ, the principles apply to other postal operators just as well. Domestic mail handling International airmail is processed almost exactly the same as domestic mail Read More …
I can fly to China in 24 hours! Why does a package take weeks?
The very short answer: Parcels are handled in bulk as part of a mail stream of many items. This makes things much slower, but also much cheaper, which is why mailing a parcel costs about 1/50th as much as an airline ticket. The somewhat longer answer: Unfortunately, your parcel can’t walk itself up to a Read More …
How to estimate China Post parcel arrival time?
In order to estimate the arrival time, you should take following two steps: Step 1: Get date when parcel was actually received by China Post. You can track the parcel in traditonal track page and get following result: Above results shows the parcel was received by China Post on April 20,2015. You can also get Read More …
What are the stand formats of China Post tracking number? How to distinguish them?
China Post tracking number has standard formats as following: format 1: the number starts with “R” and ends with “CN”, i.e. RR123456789CN, RI987654321CN This is China Post registered airmail. Normally it will arrive destination in 2 to 8 weeks. format 2: the number starts with “C” and ends with “CN”, i.e. CP123456789CN This is China Read More …