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Author Topic: Why it takes such a long time ???
Posts: 1
Post Why it takes such a long time ???
on: December 31, 2020, 10:37
New Topic

Dear Chinapostteam,

I have send a package from Germany on October the 13. It still arrived in China on October the 20. But it was not deliverd since today. The last Information is from November the 23. „Gouangzhou, sent to export costum“.
Please tell me why it takes so long at costum and what can i do to make it faster. The Package must be deliverd as soon as possible. The consignee of the package is no help for me. He doesn‘t care about it. So please help me.
My Trackingnumber is CY535275809DE

With best greetings

M. Thomas

Posts: 46419
Post Re: Why it takes such a long time ???
on: December 31, 2020, 20:26
New Topic

CY535275809DE arrived China customs on Oct 20 but your receiver never made customs clearance. So China Post returned this item to Germany on Nov 20. It is on the way back to Germany. You will get it by end of January.

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