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Author Topic: Parcel to Russia (RV518444312CN)
Posts: 2
Post Parcel to Russia (RV518444312CN)
on: December 22, 2020, 23:26
New Topic


I'm looking for my parcel RV518444312CN.
Tracking info says: 30-11-2020 it was passed from expiditor to transit operator. And who is this? How can I track my parcel after that?

Still in: «Urumqi city» 乌鲁木齐市

Please help me find it! It is for my son to New Year, but I think, that he will be very upset :(

Posts: 46419
Post Re: Parcel to Russia (RV518444312CN)
on: December 23, 2020, 00:07
New Topic shows the parcel was sent to carrier in Urumqi on Nov 30. It transit through railway to Russia.

Right now it is in some railway station between Urumqi and Russia. As China Post and Russia Post have not scanned this parcel after Urumqi, you can not know where it is now.

now is Xmas rush season, your parcel is very likely to be delayed. Based on our stat, you have less than 20% chance to get it before New Year holiday. You might need some more patient.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Parcel to Russia (RV518444312CN)
on: December 23, 2020, 00:19
New Topic


Can you find which train it was send to Russia? I can do some investigation here, if i'll get some more detailed information.

BR to you!

Posts: 423
Post Re: Parcel to Russia (RV518444312CN)
on: December 23, 2020, 01:56
New Topic

We don't have that information either.

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