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Author Topic: RI976945671CN
Posts: 3
Post RI976945671CN
on: November 28, 2016, 06:10
New Topic

Parcel No.RI976945671CN tracking result

2016-10-29 12:17:22.0 佛山city Post Office parcel 集邮局 received
2016-10-29 19:55:37.0 佛山city Post Office parcel 集邮局 customs scan
2016-10-29 23:01:17.0 leaving 佛山city Post Office parcel 集邮局 ,next station 南海
2016-11-02 08:55:12.0 Guangzhou Transit Station export security scan
2016-11-02 11:28:08.0 Guangzhou Transit Station export customs cleared
2016-11-08 18:11:00.0 arrive Guangzhou Airport
2016-11-09 01:34:56.0 leaving Guangzhou Airport going to next airport/seaport
2016-11-15 23:10:00.0 arrive Guangzhou Airport
2016-11-15 23:39:25.0 leaving Guangzhou Airport going to next airport/seaport

My Parcel have no progress since Nov 08 2016. Is it Normal ?? Has my parcel already leaving China or still in China ??

Could somebody clarify ??


Posts: 7760
Post Re: RI976945671CN
on: November 28, 2016, 14:32
New Topic

1. We could assume that the parcel has left China (15 Nov) for your country Indonesia but because we don't have a flight number we are not sure at 100%.

2. That said your parcel is On Route/In Transit to your country. May I suggest your read this for Indonesia:

3. Also please understand this:
Multi-hop routing:
Routing is a whole separate matter, but suffice it to say that “lowest cost” tends to win out over “fastest speed”. Mail shipments may transit many countries enroute to their destination.

Customs & security delays:
Customs operates on their own schedule, and they don’t care how badly you want your package. Some places open and inspect almost everything, some don’t; some places process packages very efficiently, some do not.

Hope this help.

Posts: 3
Post Re: RI976945671CN
on: November 29, 2016, 05:20
New Topic

Ali Express said If your order does not arrive on 2016-12-13 , you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute.

If I haven't received my parcel after 2016-12-13, should I apply for a refund or just keep on waiting ??

Thanks for yous assistance ...

Posts: 46370
Post Re: RI976945671CN
on: November 29, 2016, 09:32
New Topic

You can open dispute for refund before dec 13. If later you get your goods, you can repay your seller.

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