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Author Topic: Where is my order?
Posts: 1
Post Where is my order?
on: January 28, 2020, 11:12
New Topic


I have ordered an item from, and Chinapost is in charge of the shipment.

About on Jan 11th I received this tracking number: LO734358309CN, whose last tracking update is on Jan 13th, saying "Departure export customs" showing "CHANGSHA EMS" as location.

Order summary keeps showing "on route" and nothing else.

Is it somewhere between China and Italy?

How longer will it approximately take?

Will I receive the item (have I been scammed?) ?

Can you help me please?

Thank you

Posts: 46105
Post Re: Where is my order?
on: January 28, 2020, 20:10
New Topic

ttp:// shows the parcel was shipped from Changsha to Italy on Jan 13.

Changsha is very close to coronavirus break out city Wuhan. many airlines are cancelled and workers are on vacation. Your parcel might need wait anther 2 to 4 weeks to catch flight to Italy.

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