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Author Topic: LX067386820CN
Jack the-
Posts: 1
Post LX067386820CN
on: April 9, 2020, 15:01
New Topic

The seller informs me that he sent on 18/03/2020 but with China Post ID LX067386820CN but I don't see any movement on the site.
Can you tell me where the parcel is? Thanks for the reply

Posts: 46221
Post Re: LX067386820CN
on: April 9, 2020, 17:46
New Topic shows No shipping record. This means your seller applied this tracking number from china post but never actually ship anything to you. You are very likely to be scammed.

if you have got this number for long time and paid with paypal/aliexpress/WISH/AMAZON, you need open dispute immediately against fraud and claim refund.

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