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Author Topic: tracking number request
Posts: 95
Post tracking number request
on: August 5, 2016, 23:46
New Topic

I checked many websites but I just got an info that the following tracking number cannot be found. Could you please check this tracking number for me ? : RS130950378CN
When approximately will the package be delivered? Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Posts: 7760
Post Re: tracking number request
on: August 6, 2016, 00:21
New Topic

1. Your tracking number is a valid tracking number.

2. I could not find any tracking so far for this number. If you just got this tracking number, you need to wait 2 to 5 days before it can be into the China Post system.

3. If after 10 days you can not track your parcel, then contact seller and ask him if he did physically mail the parcel.

Hope this help.

Posts: 95
Post Re: tracking number request
on: August 6, 2016, 02:21
New Topic

All right, thanks so much!
Best regards

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