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Author Topic: Where is my orders?
Posts: 2
Post Where is my orders?
on: October 10, 2014, 11:40
New Topic

Hi. I have order 2 items from Aliexpress. I order from 2 different suppliers on the 31 of August. Order from 3 others at the same time and got the items for 2 weeks ago.

Order nr 1 with nr: RN063841934CN was received by post office 23/9 and was sent to airline on the 26/9 and has not arrived to me or Sweden.

Order nr 2 with nr. RG048897817CN was received by post office 21/9 and was sent to airline on the 23/9 and has not arrived to me or Sweden.

Where is it?

Posts: 46098
Post Re: Where is my orders?
on: October 10, 2014, 16:24
New Topic

the 2 parcels should be ok. they might be simply delayed by holiday. wait 2 or 3 more weeks, they should arrive then.

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