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Author Topic: RB621478035CN
Posts: 1
Post RB621478035CN
on: August 26, 2013, 19:56
New Topic

Maybe someone can help me in this matter, see below info:

item No. Year Status Location Destination Country Date
RB621478035CN 2013 Opening 10010200 RO 20130726 1438

Something is wrong this is an order of 2 IR lasers of no more than 100$ and is still in the same status for 1 month. This not the first time I received orders via china post, in the past it was not more than 3 weeks from delivery to pickup in Romania, lasers included.

What is happening and when will this order be released to RO?

Thank you

Posts: 240
Post Re: RB621478035CN
on: August 26, 2013, 23:15
New Topic

Two possible reasons:
1)The parcel might still in a corner or China Post Guangzhou airport office.
2)The parcel might have left Guangzhou airport for Romania but missed export scan. So the parcel status remain unchanged.

the best way is to ask your shipper to contact China Post Guangzhou office and try to find if parcel has left airport or not.

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