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Author Topic: Oprea Mihai Romania
Posts: 1
Post Oprea Mihai Romania
on: April 4, 2024, 20:56
New Topic

Buna ziua!
Am 10 colete trimise cu China Post și nu au ajuns la mine niciodată deși arătau "Livrate"
Eu nu le-am primit.
Nu pot sa aflu cui preda coletele Chin post aici in Tara destinatarului (Romania)
La toate îmi arătau pe urmăritori Posta română însă nu se puteau găsii nici la centru de distribuție. Arată AWB cu AT in Romania nu găsesc livratorul.
Am discutat cu vânzătorul și mi-a retrimis pachetul unul din pachet
Puteți să mă ajutați să îmi spuneți la ce curier se afla aici in tara (Romania) ?
I have 10 parcels sent with China Post and they never arrived even though they said "Delivered"
I did not receive them.
I can't find out who to hand over the Chin post parcels here in the recipient's country (Romania)
they all showed me Posta Română followers, but they couldn't be found at the distribution center either. It shows AWB with AT in Romania, I can't find the supplier.
I talked to the seller and he resent the package to me one of the package
can you help me tell me which courier is here in the country (Romania)?

Posts: 46078
Post Re: Oprea Mihai Romania
on: April 4, 2024, 22:11
New Topic

AT318337030CN is China Post direct mail. It is handled by some private agent in Romania. You can't know the delivery detail.

You need to be cautious about such A***CN, many frauds are related to such parcel numbers. Please do not release money to seller unless you get what you paid for.

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