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Author Topic: BLGKH0143319528YQ Parcel lost
Posts: 3
Post BLGKH0143319528YQ Parcel lost
on: May 13, 2020, 18:25
New Topic

Hi there!
I ordered the above parcel in early April, but according to Parcel App it is stuck in the UK since the 10 April. Amazon said that the parcel may have been lost. I have already claimed the refund, but I was wondering if there is a way to learn more about where the parcel stopped in the UK and if there is any remote possibilities that it will be delivered in Ireland, its final destination.


Posts: 46221
Post Re: BLGKH0143319528YQ Parcel lost
on: May 13, 2020, 19:24
New Topic

BLGKH0143319528YQ is not China Post parcel. It is from a small private shipping company called BuyLogic. It is hard to verify their shipping info. So We can not give you accurate advice.

based on common sense, if your parcel arrived UK on April 10 but you did not get the parcel after one month,It has more than 90% chance to be lost. you no need waste time to search or wait this item anymore. just simply claim refund from Amazon.

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