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Author Topic: Is my Tracking Number legit
Posts: 6
Post Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 16:10
New Topic

Hi guys,

I have just ordered an item from iOffer and I cannot track it, please could you let me know if the Tracking number is a real or a fake?

The tracking number is: RA666617453CN

Posts: 46422
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 17:17
New Topic

you can verify the number by yourself in if your seller really shipped the goods, the page will show location and real shipment date, otherwise it will show China post has not received the parcel.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 17:47
New Topic

Hi, it states that china post has not recieved this parcel, does this mean my tracking number is fake?

Posts: 46422
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 18:04
New Topic

"china post has not received this parcel" means your seller did not ship goods.

You can say the number is fake (at least at this moment) because this is an invalid number which has never been shipped and might never be shipped.

However , there is another possibility that shipper printed a china post tracking number(it is very easy to get an unused tracking number from a china post office or agent ), send the number to you, but did not ship the goods for different reason. But after a couple of days, then they ship the goods with that tracking number and it becomes valid and traceable in china post database. This situation is more likely to happen.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 18:06
New Topic

Oh right cool, I ordered the goods on the 25th of August and I have kept trying to track until this day. Can what you just said still be possible?

Posts: 46422
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 5, 2014, 22:29
New Topic

Obviously your seller has delayed shipment for 10 days and so far does not show any intention to ship the goods.

Sometimes seller will give people some excuse that he has shipped the goods, but China Post has not update the website.

As I told you before, if he really shipped the goods, the location and status will show in within 48 hours of shipment. No later than that. So you can verify seller's words by yourself.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 9, 2014, 15:59
New Topic


I received this strange tracking number from my seller for China Post

I tried it in the tracking system it works but I'm suspicious. Do you think its a legit number?

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 3
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 9, 2014, 22:41
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What was the name of you seller?

Posts: 3
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 9, 2014, 22:44
New Topic

I think we have to report the seller. We have the same tracking number. Did you pay the order through paypal? I have already open a case. So i suggest you do the same. Email them and put the tracking number as well. So paypal can see that the sellwe has beeinh recycling tracking number.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Is my Tracking Number legit
on: September 9, 2014, 22:51
New Topic

Thi is what the seller told when i told him the status of the order “ about 18 days later,it will enter in to your country,then you can track it.
About 35 days later,you can get it.
bless you and your family “ is this still legit? Is it normal that i can only track the package after 18 days?

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