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Author Topic: Flight Departure
Posts: 1
Post Flight Departure
on: January 3, 2025, 19:49
New Topic

My package CP507498031CN has been on flight departure since December 13th, I was just wondering if there was more information or how long it usually takes for an update after.

Posts: 46371
Post Re: Flight Departure
on: January 4, 2025, 01:10
New Topic

CP507498031CN is an economical class mail parcel. It has very low priority to compete shipping space with other high priority parcels.

In regular season when china post can get enough shipping space, such parcel normally will reach USA in about 3 to 4 weeks. But if it is Xmas rush season, it is quite difficult to predict arrival time. It is really like a lottery. We will write a new post here when parcel gets flight to USA.

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