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Author Topic: EMS Shipping takes time..?
Posts: 4
Post EMS Shipping takes time..?
on: April 5, 2017, 10:26
New Topic


I've ordered something and expecting to be delivered by EMS. Usually I know EMS is delivered within a week which isnt the case at the moment. My package left Shanghai 1st of April. It shouldnt take 4 days to get to europe does it? As I have contacted the local delivery company and they said it didnt even came in customs yet.. so why is it taking so long?

Code: EV912846702CN


Posts: 45951
Post Re: EMS Shipping takes time..?
on: April 5, 2017, 12:37
New Topic

EMS shipping time to Europe can be 10 to 20 days, you need some patient.

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