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Author Topic: Order Stuck since 1st August
Posts: 12
Post Order Stuck since 1st August
on: September 9, 2014, 07:06
New Topic

Hi ,

Any Idea how long this parcel would take ...? Its more then 50 days that its been ordered and since 1st August 2014 there is no update.. should i wait or raise a dispute with the seller please reply. Tracking number : RG024027657CN

Posts: 46099
Post Re: Order Stuck since 1st August
on: September 9, 2014, 07:17
New Topic

the parcel is not necessarily lost, but it should be seriously delayed. you can open a dispute and claim refund.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Order Stuck since 1st August
on: September 9, 2014, 07:26
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i am ready to wait could you tell me how many more days it would be delayed

Posts: 12
Post Re: Order Stuck since 1st August
on: September 10, 2014, 12:43
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Hurray, it has arrived in india yesterday(9-Sep). May be you'll get it in another week days time

item No Year Status Location Destination Date
RG024027657CN 2014 Received by China Post Beijing India 20140727 1635
RG024027657CN 2014 Export Customs Scan Beijing India 20140728 1037
RG024027657CN 2014 Sent to airline Beijing India 20140729 0306
RG024027657CN 2014 Export Customs Scan Beijing India 20140801 1359
RG024027657CN 2014 Arrived Import Customs IN India 20140909 0919
RG024027657CN 2014 Customs Inspection IN India 20140909 1104

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