China Post Forbidden Item List

China Post Forbidden Item List Items with battery inside such as Mobile Phone, Walkie Talkie,Laptop, tablet,iPad etc. Magnetic item such as headphone, earphone, speaker, amplifier, MP3, scanner etc. Dangerous arms such as gun, pistol, bullet, knife, gun powder etc All liquid item All chemical items which are poisonous, inflammable, explosive and hazardous. All items with Read More …

What does “sent to airline” mean?How long will it arrive after “sent to airline”?

“Sent to airline”  means China Post has given the parcel to airline company. It does NOT necessarily mean the parcel has been on plane. The ‘sent to airline’ status will stuck for long time until the parcel arrives an airport which has scanning service.  This might take 2 to 4 weeks in regular season and Read More …