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Author Topic: problem with my shipping
Posts: 2
Post problem with my shipping
on: December 1, 2014, 21:07
New Topic

My provider sent me a box the past 20th of October. The tracking number is CP305908161CN. The box is still in China and it's last update status only show me until 7th of november, and still is in China. How long will it take for my shipment to arrive at its destination? ( Chile).
Please i need an answer.
Thanks so much.

Posts: 517
Post Re: problem with my shipping
on: December 1, 2014, 22:19
New Topic

CP305908161CN is surface parcel which might take up to 6 months to arrive.

Posts: 2
Post Re: problem with my shipping
on: December 1, 2014, 22:29
New Topic

what?, but the other box that my provider send me, at same time for the same delivery system is already in Chile...

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