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Author Topic: Confused about my package tracking timeline
Posts: 1
Post Confused about my package tracking timeline
on: March 6, 2017, 11:36
New Topic

Hello, I sent the package in November from Urumqi to Europe.

I had sent quite a few packages from China and I received them all with no problems. This package contains a few rocks from the area. I had sent rocks before, however, never on their own.
What are remarks (D) and (99)?
What should I expect now?

The timeline:

2016-11-18 10:56:55.0 Urumuqi Transit Station export security scan
2016-11-18 11:02:20.0 Urumuqi Transit Station export customs scan (domestic transit )
2016-11-20 09:28:56.0 Beijing Transit Station export security scan
2016-11-20 13:34:21.0 Beijing Transit Station export customs cleared
2016-11-20 22:37:00.0 arrive Beijing Airport
2016-11-20 22:43:46.0 leaving Beijing Airport going to next airport/seaport
2016-11-23 14:48:06.0 Beijing Transit Station import customs scan ,remark (rejected )
2016-11-23 16:02:52.0 Beijing Transit Station rejected ,remark (D)
2016-11-23 16:02:54.0 Beijing Transit Station import customs cleared (domestic transit )
2016-11-29 15:24:25.0 Urumuqi Transit Station import customs scan ,remark (rejected )
2016-11-29 15:27:40.0 Urumuqi Transit Station rejected ,remark (D)
2016-11-29 15:27:41.0 Urumuqi Transit Station import customs cleared (domestic transit )
2016-11-30 16:42:13.0 Urumuqi express international 营销center 揽投部 attempt delivery
2016-12-02 10:58:54.0 Urumuqi Transit Station export security scan
2016-12-02 11:00:20.0 Urumuqi Transit Station export customs scan (domestic transit )
2016-12-05 08:31:56.0 Beijing Transit Station export security scan
2016-12-05 14:21:26.0 Beijing Transit Station import customs cleared (domestic transit )
2016-12-05 14:52:26.0 Beijing Transit Station export security scan
2016-12-05 15:18:59.0 Beijing Transit Station import customs cleared (domestic transit )
2016-12-12 16:41:34.0 Urumuqi Transit Station import customs scan ,remark (rejected )
2016-12-12 16:42:49.0 Urumuqi Transit Station rejected ,remark (99)
2016-12-12 16:43:07.0 Urumuqi Transit Station import customs cleared (domestic transit )
2016-12-13 16:47:10.0 Urumuqi express international 营销center 揽投部 attempt delivery

Posts: 45947
Post Re: Confused about my package tracking timeline
on: March 6, 2017, 19:45
New Topic

the parcel was returned to Urumuqi, you can not get it in Europe. Not sure the return reason.

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