Why does my tracking result show only one message “”electronic data received” ?
If your tracking result from https://track-chinapost.com has only one message “electronic data received”, this means your seller(shipper) applied a tracking number from China, but does not actually ship the goods yet.
Many China seller delay shipment for 5 to 10 days due to inventory shortage. So if you just got the number which shows “electronic data received”, please wait one or two weeks and track again. In most of cases, seller will ship the goods and you can see real shipment date and shipping location from https://track-chinapost.com .
If you still can not see new status after 10 days, you should be cautious of fraud. You should talk to seller and ask him to give you real shipping date and real tracking number. If seller can not give you reasonable reply, you should open dispute to ebay/aliexpress/amazon whichever you paid the money to.
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