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Author Topic: Tracking parcels
Posts: 1
Post Tracking parcels
on: September 1, 2024, 10:23
New Topic

Could I please get help with two parcels with the tracking number
CY 284 987 657 DE and CY 285 106 932 DE

They have been stuck in customs since 30.07.24 and unfortunately I can't find out about their status. We are told to refrain from sending inquiries by e-mail and it is only possible to speak in Mandarin on the hotline.
So where can I get more information?
How long does it usually take for the parcels to clear customs?

This is a simple return of clothing.

Posts: 46370
Post Re: Tracking parcels
on: September 1, 2024, 17:10
New Topic

the possible of your parcels stuck in customs are:
1)You wrote wrong mobile number(or forgot to write the number) in the parcels. China Post need to send a secret code to receiver by text message to make customs clearance. You need to ask receiver to call 11185 to make customs clearance.

2)The receivers don't want to accept the return. Many bad sellers often play such game to avoid the responsibility to refund money.

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